As it is, I'm currently getting up at 5AM to walk the dog, shower, get ready and work my 8 hour office day … and promptly head down the street to Olive Garden where I’ll inevitably be a closing shift and won’t get out until 10PM at the earliest. AKA: 14-15 hour days x 3 days a week. I suddenly understand why my husband is so exhausted when he gets home; but his 14-15 hour days are every single day ending in “y”.
Is it possible to install a permanent caffeine drip? I think I’m going to need it at the rate I’m going. And somewhere in there, I really need to squeeze in my 2 mile runs … somewhere between being a couch potato at home and sitting in an office chair, I’ve managed to put on 3 pounds over the course of 2 weeks; which really isn’t all that fantastic.
So … anyone that can add a few extra hours to the beginning or the end of my day would be a hero. 30 hours in a day would be lovely.

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